WTTA Results

Flight 1 Green - Spring 2025

Ded. Pts. Total
ACC Getursettogether000
ACC Smart Aces000
BERR Very Berry Twisted000
CY Double Shotz000
CY On The Rise000
GTC Aging Gratefully000
GTC Whackatears000
RP Our Ad000
WLCO Quick Chicks000
WW Over-Served000
WW Queens of the Court000
  1. This division is allowed 8 subs each half of the season
  2. The colors show what opponent a team plays each week
  3. R => Rescheduled Match
  4. P => Partial Score
  5. Scores in italics are unconfirmed matches - a D next to the result means the result is in dispute
  6. Points deducted include sub violations and other match infractions
  7. Questions? Email division coordinators