Onion Creek Club Roster

Spring 2023 as of 2022-12-22
Questions? Email kmarshall@onioncreekclub.com
Flight 4 Yellow — Backcourt Divas — Onion Creek
Amanda Saunders (512)300-7029
Holly Filar (630)674-1414
Allison Flink (512) 293-5317
Cathy Salinas (512) 787-3487
Julia Stirton (512) 627-5631
Ronda Johnson (830) 214-5669
Susie Black (585) 610-9223
Tammy McCall (678)873-0604
Flight 7 Yellow — The Wild Onions — Onion Creek
Debbie Fenton 207-240-8369
Ashli Smart
Mali Scheib (512)914-7741
Marilyn Pearce (512)632-5898
Meg Scheib
Ronda Baird
Sarah Hampton
Shelley Davis

Onion Creek Club Sub List

Flight 4
Jenny Feng (832) 868-3637
Kristen Cheng (415) 710-1738
Sandra Franco (512)567-1991
Sharon Coudert (512) 415-9039
Flight 7
Alex Smith-Purcell 512-809-6561
Alex Stammler (909)969-1090
Amanda Stephens
Celeste Plunkett 512-914-7397
Cheryl Muhr (512)656-4511
Dianne Turner (512)923-9021
Katie Forrer
Katie Coyne (561) 339-5712
Kylie Baxley 512-698-8444
Leslie Raver 512-461-0444
Mackenzie Oakley 305-407-6355
Michelle Eades
Shelley Tucci 512-771-0169
Stacey Moynahan 562-212-5715
Susan Jamieson 314-809-6414