Captains' Court
Ded. Pts. Total
AWTA This is 40-Love000
BAL Causing a Racket000
CIM We Drop Shots!000
GH Ladies Who Lob000
GH Tortured Points Dept000
JCC Royal Tennisbaums000
JCC Slice_Girls000
RP Volley Vipers000
SR All In SR000
UTTC Balls of Fury000
WLCO Midcourt Chaos000
WW Baby Got Backhand000
  1. This division is allowed 7 subs each half of the season
  2. The colors show what opponent a team plays each week
  3. R => Rescheduled Match
  4. P => Partial Score
  5. Scores in italics are unconfirmed matches - a D next to the result means the result is in dispute
  6. Points deducted include sub violations and other match infractions
  7. Questions? Email division coordinators