Date/Time | Home | | Away | Location |
| February 14, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Berry Creek Berry Good | vs. | UTTC Cool Name Pending | Berry Creek (Georgetown) |
09:30:00 | Balcones The Spinsters | vs. | Balcones Sweet Spot | Balcones |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | Old Settler's Park |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-26 | Lines 3 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-01 | Lines 1 |
09:30:00 | WILCO Rally Gals | vs. | River Place Tough Love | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | GTC Hard Aces | vs. | GTC Movin' On | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | WILCO AceAce Baby | vs. | Bye | Williamson County Tennis Center |
| February 21, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | Balcones The Spinsters | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-23 | Lines 3 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-24 | Lines 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-10 | Lines 2 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-26 | Lines 1 |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | UTTC Cool Name Pending | Georgetown Tennis Center |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-13 | Lines 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-25 | Lines 1, 2 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-27 | Lines 3 |
09:30:00 | WILCO AceAce Baby | vs. | GTC Hard Aces | Williamson County Tennis Center |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-20 | Lines 1 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-21 | Lines 2, 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-29 | Lines 3 |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | River Place Tough Love | Old Settler's Park |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-11 | Lines 3, 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-13 | Lines 1 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-25 | Lines 2 |
09:30:00 | Berry Creek Berry Good | vs. | WILCO Rally Gals | Berry Creek (Georgetown) |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-24 | Lines 3 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-11 | Lines 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-17 | Lines 2 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-18 | Lines 1 |
09:30:00 | Balcones Sweet Spot | vs. | Bye | Balcones |
| February 28, 2025 |
09:30:00 | River Place Tough Love | vs. | Balcones The Spinsters | River Place |
11:30:00 | WILCO AceAce Baby | vs. | UTTC Cool Name Pending | Williamson County Tennis Center |
11:30:00 | Balcones Sweet Spot | vs. | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | Balcones |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | Berry Creek Berry Good | Old Settler's Park |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | WILCO Rally Gals | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | GTC Hard Aces | vs. | Bye | Georgetown Tennis Center |
| March 07, 2025 |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | WILCO Bring it On | Georgetown Tennis Center |
11:30:00 | WILCO Rally Gals | vs. | WILCO AceAce Baby | Williamson County Tennis Center |
11:30:00 | River Place Tough Love | vs. | Balcones Sweet Spot | River Place |
09:30:00 | UTTC Cool Name Pending | vs. | GTC Hard Aces | University of Texas Tennis Center |
11:30:00 | Balcones The Spinsters | vs. | Berry Creek Berry Good | Balcones |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | Bye | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
| March 14, 2025 |
09:30:00 | WILCO AceAce Baby | vs. | WILCO Bring it On | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Berry Creek Berry Good | vs. | Balcones Sweet Spot | Berry Creek (Georgetown) |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | River Place Tough Love | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
09:30:00 | Balcones The Spinsters | vs. | GTC Movin' On | Balcones |
09:30:00 | GTC Hard Aces | vs. | WILCO Rally Gals | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | UTTC Cool Name Pending | vs. | Bye | University of Texas Tennis Center |
| March 28, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Balcones The Spinsters | vs. | WILCO AceAce Baby | Balcones |
| | Resch. | 0000-00-00 | Lines 1, 2, 3, 4 |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | Balcones Sweet Spot | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | GTC Hard Aces | Old Settler's Park |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | Berry Creek Berry Good | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
| | Resch. | 0000-00-00 | Lines 1, 2, 3, 4 |
09:30:00 | UTTC Cool Name Pending | vs. | WILCO Rally Gals | University of Texas Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | River Place Tough Love | vs. | Bye | River Place |
| April 04, 2025 |
09:30:00 | GTC Hard Aces | vs. | Balcones The Spinsters | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | UTTC Cool Name Pending | vs. | WILCO Bring it On | University of Texas Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | WILCO AceAce Baby | vs. | Balcones Sweet Spot | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | GTC Movin' On | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
09:30:00 | River Place Tough Love | vs. | Berry Creek Berry Good | River Place |
09:30:00 | WILCO Rally Gals | vs. | Bye | Williamson County Tennis Center |
| April 11, 2025 |
09:30:00 | UTTC Cool Name Pending | vs. | Balcones The Spinsters | University of Texas Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | WILCO Rally Gals | vs. | WILCO Bring it On | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | WILCO AceAce Baby | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
09:30:00 | Balcones Sweet Spot | vs. | GTC Hard Aces | Balcones |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | River Place Tough Love | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Berry Creek Berry Good | vs. | Bye | Berry Creek (Georgetown) |
| April 18, 2025 |
09:30:00 | WILCO Rally Gals | vs. | Balcones The Spinsters | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | River Place Tough Love | vs. | WILCO AceAce Baby | River Place |
| | Resch. | 2025-04-08 | Lines 1 |
| | Resch. | 2025-04-18 | Lines 3, 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-04-24 | Lines 2 |
09:30:00 | Balcones Sweet Spot | vs. | UTTC Cool Name Pending | Balcones |
09:30:00 | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | vs. | GTC Hard Aces | Cimarron Hills Country Club |
09:30:00 | Berry Creek Berry Good | vs. | GTC Movin' On | Berry Creek (Georgetown) |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | Bye | Old Settler's Park |
| April 25, 2025 |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | Balcones The Spinsters | Old Settler's Park |
09:30:00 | UTTC Cool Name Pending | vs. | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | University of Texas Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | GTC Hard Aces | vs. | River Place Tough Love | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | WILCO AceAce Baby | vs. | Berry Creek Berry Good | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Balcones Sweet Spot | vs. | WILCO Rally Gals | Balcones |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | Bye | Georgetown Tennis Center |
| May 02, 2025 |
09:30:00 | GTC Movin' On | vs. | WILCO AceAce Baby | Georgetown Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | River Place Tough Love | vs. | UTTC Cool Name Pending | River Place |
09:30:00 | WILCO Bring it On | vs. | Balcones Sweet Spot | Old Settler's Park |
09:30:00 | WILCO Rally Gals | vs. | Cimarron GrandSlamGals | Williamson County Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Berry Creek Berry Good | vs. | GTC Hard Aces | Berry Creek (Georgetown) |
09:30:00 | Balcones The Spinsters | vs. | Bye | Balcones |